"What focal point?"

Dixie State College… we’re just that, a community college. Let’s face the facts though, we have been the fastest growing college in the state for 3 years +. Within the last three years we’ve gone from 5,000 students to a forecasted 11,000 in fall 2011. That’s an impressive amount of growth. Growth means that an institution is living, thriving and progressing. That type of growth, though welcome, was not quite expected.

Now that we have double the students we did 3 years ago, the thing I would love to see change on Dixie’s campus is that patch of grass and hand laid concrete known as “the diagonal.” While certainly…. It serves its purpose… yeah, it sure does… I can walk across the property just fine. One of the things people love most about campuses is the aesthetic feel of it. Dixie State is on the brink of becoming a university within 3-5 years, we have record growth year after year. We are getting new programs and people from all over the nation. If we want to be a University, I suggest we start thinking and acting as one. The diagonal is right in front of our student center, the student center that we are improving drastically in the next year. I suggest that as part of the improvements, we also improve the diagonal to improve the aesthetic feel of the college. By doing so, i feel that it will help the catapult towards becoming a serious learning institution.


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